Saturday, July 18, 2015


The most talked about book this summer is Harper Lee's Go Set A Watchman. I purposely avoided all the pre-publication reviews and yammer so I could open it with the freshest possible eye. I read it in a day and I'm still not quite sure what I think of the book. Mostly I think someone with avarice in their heart had a lot to do with publication. 

But, let's mark the week with a flash fiction contest! Prize is a copy of Go Set a Watchman. The usual rules apply: 
1. Write a story using 100 words or fewer. 
2. Use these words in the story: watch man total flim flam 
3. You must use the whole word, but that whole word can be part of a larger word. The letters for the prompt must appear together and in consecutive order. Thus: flam/flamingo is ok but man/mean is not. 
5. Post the entry in the comment column of THIS blog post. 
6. One entry per person. If you need a mulligan (a do-over) erase your entry and post again. It helps to work out your entry first, then post. 
7. International entries are allowed, but prizes may vary for international addresses. Prize is generally a book. 
8. Titles count as part of the word count (you don't need a title) 
9. Under no circumstances should you tweet anything about your particular entry to me. Example: "Hope you like my entry about Felix Buttonweezer!" This is grounds for disqualification. Tweeting things in general about the contest is fine: "I entered the flash fiction contest!" Please do not add any comments about contest entries. (Not for example "I love Felix Buttonweezer's entry!") They will be deleted and you will find yourself in Hot Water. 

Contest opens Saturday, July 18, 8am & closes Sunday, July 19, 6am 
(note that this is EARLIER than normal!) 

My Entry: 


Day 1. 
I'm gliding through the restaurant on my husband's arm wearing a flimsy, yet elegant, black dress. A smile graces my flawless face. My willowy body commands all eyes to watch me, inflaming men's desires. My husband is radiating total bliss. His ex is there wearing cellulite, leathery skin and an icy stare.

Day 2. 
We're at the beach. I'm wearing a thong bikini. My husband's totally blissful. His ex is there wearing cellulite, leathery skin and an icy stare. 

Day 3. 
We're somewhere. I'm thin. He's blissful. She's leathery.

Day. 4 
I want a hot fudge sundae.


UPDATE:  I didn't win -- two writers shared the win! -- but once again I received special recognition, this time for "[an entry that wasn't] quite [a story], but the last line just awed me."


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