Saturday, May 30, 2015


Janet Reid announces another
Flash fiction writing contest! 

It's the start of summer Fridays! Time for a flash fiction writing contest! 
The usual rules apply: 
1. Write a story using 100 words or fewer. 
2. Use these words in the story: wife balloon heart dare plott (note the number of t's in this word) 
 (*If you know what links all the words, you can include that in your post and the words do NOT count as part of the story.) 
3. You must use the whole word, but that whole word can be part of a larger word. 
4. Post the entry in the comment column of THIS blog post. 

Contest opens: Saturday May 30 10 am; closes: Sunday May 31 10 am 

My entry

A Brief Acrostic For Divorce

Undeterred by my wife's 
Nightly cold shoulder, I foolishly
Dared to think that
Even she wouldn't be able to
Resist my carefully
Plotted seduction. Shiny heart-shaped balloon
And roses and silky lingerie, 
Not to mention a bottle of her favorite 
Taittinger Brut La Française Champagne. And
She loved it all, Your Honor, oh yes! All except me. 

*I know a plott is a breed of hound, but I don't know what links the prompt words. 
Colin thinks he has the answer.

And the winner is... Not I. But once again I got a bit'o'recognition, this time for writing a "poem." I didn't mean it as a poem per se; I just constructed it in such a way so as to spell out the word UNDERPANTS using the first letter of each line ... hence the word ACROSTIC in the title. [REASON: The very last line of JR's May 13th blog post: **please notice I managed to go the entire blog post without mentioning underpants, which is one of my all time favorite words (Yes I am eight years old). ]


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